The Cromford Origami Ride was always going to be a hard act to follow, but despite dreary weather, the October Ride from Kenilworth succeeded (not perhaps surpassed, but certainly no disappointment either!) The weather forecast had suggested early mist and generally grey conditions, but on the day it was really quite wet (penetrating drizzle) all the way to the start, and though this eased for the ride, it remained a bit damp, though quite warm (which meant it was unpleasant to wear waterfproofs).
After the usual refreshements at the start, we set out in better conditions, stopping quite soon for the first of several interesting briefings on the local countryside and history, at Kenilworth Castle. Our lunch stop was at The Navigation at Lapworth, which provided one of the most substantial sandwich lunches I have encountered. Much of the morning ride had been in country I'm familiar with, but the return ride followed lanes that were new to me, and well worth riding. Perhaps the highlight was the unplanned stop for afternoon tea at a church which was celebrating Harvest Festival - St Mary The Virgin at Haseley - a delightful small church with many interesting features, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The influx of cyclists must have been a bit of surprise for the organisers, but they proved excellent hosts, and we enjoyed the stop, and I hope they enjoyed our support too.
Thanks as usual to the organisers of the ride - a great success, and it was great to see some new riders, and some who aren't able to join us very frequently. Dick Hanson rode all the way from Cheltenham, and rode all the way back after lunch (around 90 miles), though regrettably on this occasion he was not on a folder!